What network should your company be on (now and in 2013)?

Here is another more strategic answer that heavily influences tactics that I just wrote about in this discussion:Why Google Plus could fail in 2012 - Social Media Monitoring | XING

Basic question was:
Which network will be around in 2013, where should I be active for business?

My answer:

Then I'd suggest: the Internet - and to seek synergies between ways to promote your topics
- on events
- in talks you give
- on your blog

...and how to promote the former with *as little energy as possible* on currectly relevant networks and THEN

a- find out where the best conversations are (you learn)
b- where the customers come from

And actually b) is what I care about least. (see below, it just HAPPENS.)

- I try to be presend (in different intensities) on different networks,
- the conversations then create the "weight" all by themselves.
- And quality conversations create positioning and profile.
- That creates 'fans' and recommendatations,
- and THAT is where the customers come from.

So in short:
- be everywhere (relevant)
- have great conversations
- wait for the phone to ring


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