Google Shop View, Enterprise 2.0 Adoption, Does Facebook Kill Newssites? - links for 2010-02-05 Eingestellt von oliverg am Februar 05, 2010 Link abrufen Facebook X Pinterest E-Mail Andere Apps Google Street View to Add Store Interiors? [RUMOR] (tags: google maps) Socialtext: How to find E2.0 champions excellent observations why people would adopt enterprise 2.0 services: because it helps them in their jobs. (tags: e2.0 enterprise web 2.0 adoption *****) heise online - Was Facebook über Nicht-Mitglieder weiß (tags: facebook datenschutz) Facebook and the Future of Free Thought Facebook als Nachrichtenplattformkiller? Vorstellbar. (XING hat ja sowas auch eingebaut...) (tags: facebook social web networking news xing) Facebook Kommentare Kommentare