Lächeln am Samstag morgen
OG: "You might bwe right for the news business. But my customers - usually business bloggers who own the business (or are the business) are not in the news but in the conversation space. They want to talk to a few select bloggers in their fields and want to monitor the blogosphere for people to talk to and to exchange link love.
Twitter lets you share status and links, but it does not et you show expertise and it only allows for limited converstaion.
In FB and FF your utterances are to widespread to be read as 'your thing'. so those are good vor conversation, but not for reputation or for buildung audiences.
If follow U on Twitter, but U are just ONE voice in 2000+ I follow. The few dozen Blogs I follow have a far greater 'converstaion value'.
And yes; I also gave up RSS foor Twitter for some weeks, but Twitter, FF and FB hardly replace Blogging and RSS."
No Twitter makes no coffe, but otherwise... [og]
not only microsoft fails at photoshop
31 Tage reputationsmanagement: Tipps
Relevanzfilter für deutsches Twitter
Twitter booms, aber ...
"Mit der TICKnTALK Sidebar kannst Du auf jeder beliebigen Webseite Deine freie Meinung äußern und mit anderen Besuchern direkt in Kontakt treten. Finde neue Freunde, lass Dir täglich die besten Webseiten empfehlen und mache Deine Lieblingsseiten mit einem Klick bekannt."
nette grafik.
Twitter erklärt ;)
Eine Bank die Twittert udn Bloggt: ein Resumee
Echo is...
the next generation commenting system. It’s the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. You can quickly embed Echo on WordPress, Blogger, or any website and turn your static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments, ratings and more.