The main goal in "Virtonomics" is to create a successful business. Players take control of a small business enterprise with aspirations to expand their business by going into trade, production, science research, mining, agriculture and foreign exchange market.
To manage your corporation you'll have to hire and train employees, regulate sales and supplies, monitor your competitors, improve quality of your products, promote your brands, and take part in auctions, amongst other things.
What is Melody?
Melody is an open source content management system for bloggers and publishers where its community of users and contributors is its most important feature. We believe that a vibrant community is the foundation on which all successful products and services are built today.
We are now at the very beginning of that mission.
Melody is a community-fork if MT, that sounds SEXY ;)
Die Epigenetik ist ein Spezialgebiet der Biologie. Sie befasst sich mit Zelleigenschaften (Phänotyp), die auf Tochterzellen vererbt werden und nicht in der DNA-Sequenz (dem Genotyp) festgelegt sind. Hierbei erfolgen Veränderungen an den Chromosomen, wodurch Abschnitte oder ganze Chromosomen in ihrer Aktivität beeinflusst werden. Man spricht infolgedessen auch von epigenetischer Veränderung bzw. epigenetischer Prägung.[1] Die DNA-Sequenz wird dabei jedoch nicht verändert.
das Lewis-Modell.
this is .... interestng, do spam links get recycled @