[have problems operating it in chrome... OG ] "Most Recent is a tool I created to make it easy for anyone to build a web page. I'm serious; if you can browse the Internet, you can build a web page. Create a page, collect links you care about, publish to mostrecent.net, and make money with advertising. It is that simple." - Ian Smith
get all your followers as a mosaic ;)
all kinds of twitter stats, maybe mainly showing that everyone uses twitter differently and is successfuk for different reasons.
"Track changes in friends list or follower and unfollower on Twitter with an RSS Feed". Finally reliable ;)
eine neue blogsuchmaschine - nach qualität ;) "Bloggsi soll helfen, die besten Posts in den vielen zigtausenden Blogs da draußen zu finden. Dabei soll nicht die Verlinkung des Blogs der entscheidende Faktor sein, sondern tatsächlich die inhaltliche Qualität."
Name YesWeCare
Location Worldwide
Web http://www.yeswec...
Bio YesWeCare seeks to document and track global opinion about the US elections, letting Americans know that Yes We Care!