Campainging 2.0 in 2009.
retweet hitlist
Covering the 2009 inauguration of Barack Obama from around the social web in real-time.
find, follow, and interact with businesses, apps, and services on twitter
The original draft for designing the WWW, a global hypertext system for accelerator reserch for CERN, Geneva, Switzerland by Tim Berners-Lee. he called it: 'Mesh'. ;)
Britisches Fußballgetwitter
Ein bloggender Stationsleiter einer Tankstelle
in the cccn team
in the cccn team
in the cccn team
in the team of CCCN.
joined consulting: e2.0, weblogs,wikis, cccn
Blog Consulting
Volontätsausbildung (Weblogs, Social Media)