USA Future: A goup blog revival

The blog USA Future was supposed to be a group blog watching the USA after the events of the election in 2004. well, it was not too successful and at a time I had my studnets of English (they actually had English Conversation with me and where engineers) practice blogging there.

As we again have a situation where it remains to be seen how current events influence the future of the US and as a consequence the world I would love to revive the blog.

As with the 'warscan' blog (which might aklso be an interesting blog to revive) the idea was to habve an interbnational group of interested bloggers to view the happenings both from inside and outside the USA to provide an independent platform for discussion and information.

So if you are interested to patricipate in either blog:

send an email either to

...stating which e-mail address you want to go your invite to and which blog(s) wou want to be invited to.

I will also set up 2 Google Groups to discuss matters.

If you have questions: The comments are open ;)

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