Yesterday's Twits

  • Eine neue Frage bei 1frage: #
  • @kuechenhure nachtschicht? #
  • finishing my st. patricks day "festivities" w/ going to bed: 1h38' #
  • @kuechenhure und replik. hab du mal kinder. #
  • @kuechenhure die family hatte die katze im kinderzimmer eingesperrt. damit hatte ich grade auch, ehm, Spaß. #
  • @kuechenhure drängeln wollte ich nicht. stehen frauen nicht auf männer die kochen (können) (und küchen aufräumen ;) )? #
  • @mic2007 most of the relevant things are harder to grasp, that has become out of fashion. sadly. #
  • @kuechenhure @vlogdog der spreeblckhund twittert auch aber ich vergess den namen... #
  • @kuechenhure ach ja @josefine #
  • @kuechenhure #frauen ok, jetzt verstehe ich einiges ;) (xut twittert ja nicht) #
  • ok finally: nite twitterland #
  • Good morning: #
  • Incredible. a XING-Chain of 6! to a person living in the same town. #
  • Is there a free version of Sametime? (Chat thingy) #
  • qfwhamm do you have an URL? the IBM web pages is *beep* ;) #sametime #
  • @mwhiegl I am reading something about a web intrerface. I guess this is waht I used before. any idea? (and: what clients spe
    ak ST? ;) #
  • teaching sametime to my miranda #
  • @hobnox welcome #
  • @alipasha @mwhiegl @fwhamm ok, plugin for miranda seems to work, now I need an account, right? I think I HAD one, but.. #
  • I am at the moment trying to register a unyte account #
  • f rogpond nee ich versuche nur den heimweg zu optimieren, hab deises nächtliche gegurke durch B satt #
  • @alipasha bleedyyellow does not let me log in ;( #
  • Neither Unyte nor bleedyyellow are able to let me log in to my newly created Sametime accounts. *sniff* #
  • @aslipasha no they won't let me on the WEB page ;)I now have an ID and the web chat seems to work, but the IM chat in MIranda won't #
  • there is n o list INSIDE twitter where I can see the ppl who recently followed me? #
  • @crummel alsow er twittert sollte an sich auch mal zu nem Barcamp kommen ;) z.B. in FN Edne Mai ;) @barcampbodensee #
  • @crummel hier sind alle Umlaute übrigens OK dargestellt ;) #
  • @oliver_wwb I was looking for a more effective way to confirm twitterfriends than scrolling through mails (I delete those after confirming) #
  • @servicepionier mäzene sind auch für kultur da, nicht für business ;) #
  • @kosmar #wordpress probably but there is a duplicate content risk, I guess. #
  • 73 more updates and I am at 4000 twits. (72 ;) now) #
  • Meebo is succeeding, german clone Mabber seems not well.. how come? @ross #
  • @crummel ahh. I used the widget, now I have Loudtwitter blog my twittermessages (check my blog ;) This way I don't lose stuff ;) #
  • @kojote respect for wasting my time? *g* (nooooo, twitter is a prime information tool ;) ) #
  • Blogdesk hates me. #
  • WT? Fiorst Blogdesk crashes on me TWICE, now It's not STARTING? NO, I AM NOT SHOUTING. #
  • @davewiner can U explain this for Euroepans? ;) #
  • Grr, where does blogdesk save its data? I want my entry back! #
  • Why am I not seeing IBMers online when using #sametime #
  • @joachimgraf your xing/FB remark was relying to which twit of mine? #
  • @mr94 ich fand das alte besser, aber wer bin ich schon ;) #design #
  • @holadiho it's clear you need a holiday, or a brain transplant. try a holiday first ;) #
  • This attempt at german blog charts really looks interesting and non-gameable #
  • @mr94 hey, ich hab pages, die haben ihr design seit 7 Jahren ;) Oder länger ;) #

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