Yesterday's Twits

  • @denquer do you have data on the (as you claim only short lived) pagepromoting effects of twitter spam? how do you report twitter spam? #
  • Good morning Hamburg, New York, Toko (OK it is not morning for NY and T ;) ) @cemb @pickihh #
  • @rikabel congrats and all the best for the last hours in freedom ;) #
  • @cemb I took your request for endorsmenet at linkedin as a cue to spam, ehm, ask some more people for recommendations ;) #
  • @diplix who are you plonking? ppl who remind you of your *ehm* age? ;) #
  • @cemb someone else was VERY fast ;) (peolpe in stuttgart's PR agencies get up early ;) ) #
  • @cemb but as we know speed is overrated ;) (and sleep underrated) #
  • @mr94 just akes sure you clean the table after dumping your brain on it (I was at the mummy exhibit on sat ;) ) #
  • wondering why xing has twittering now and not recommendations. (it has introductions, but...) #
  • @danielahinrichs I knew I could get you to say 'good morning' ;) (I was just kidding but think recommendations are more useful than status) #
  • @danielahinrichs actually I tried to provoke you to make a promise on recommendations :) #
  • @danielahinrichs not sure I understand U. Don't U think recommendations a a cool to for business networking? #reputation #management #
  • linkedin say I have too many contacts i8n gmail to import them. xing succeeds ;) #
  • @klauseck and you are using gcal from the treo 650? or got a new mobile? #gtd #
  • Aha, ppl are not buying links now but exchanging them for free articles. Interesting business model on both sides. #
  • @mwhiegl at linkedin you are the ONLY person who can give me a recommandation on a CERTAIN job ;) (And it is not 'having lunch with X') #
  • @klauseck some guy at barcamp alsace had a thingy he said was better than the iphone. i'll ask. or n95. Ch. Angele of imedo also had sth. #
  • splatter science: I have brought you a real human brain: #ted #stroke #
  • @diedrich hast du da den heizwert bedacht oder nur die masse? #
  • ich should be texting more mailings #werbung #weblogs #
  • collecting linkedin recommendations is more than fun. pondering my rates, though ;) #
  • twittered enough about linkedin + xing, now @larshinrichs is following me, welcome ;) no more flirting win @danielahinrichs :( *g* #
  • Does the 'long tail' of forums in Germany also have a 'head'? What are the BIG forums? #
  • @hulalena Brüstung #
  • @hulalena Treppen haben ein Geländer, Balkone nur, wenn auf der Brüstung noch n Geländer ist ;) #
  • @joachimgraf I meant forums in the sense of 'online forum' (asopposed to blogs) #
  • @mwhiegl ich und strafarbeiten? und vor die tür schicken waren nur friendenserhaktende maßnahmen ;) #
  • @bobbes actually @klauseck was looking for a wifi capable smartphone. I guess w/ a keyboardthingy #
  • I could be watching TED videos all evenig, but on St. Patricks Day I also wanna go out have a guinness. #
  • @mix2007 I just blogged about it cause most ppl (i read) missed her point when blogging or twittering #
  • actually the last 20 seconds are best; #
  • @hulalena du meinst mich, oder? *g* Ich hab schon auch 2000 normal gebloggte Artikel seit 2002 ;) #

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