Yesterday's Twits

  • Is it allowed by Google to communicate the eCPM of Adsense stuff? What is yours? ;) #
  • updated: (best practices in social networks) #
  • OK, I now just put my 'one feed catches all' jaiku feed to *g* #friendfeed #
  • I think I just won a case of beer. ;) #
  • I would love a function that shows me UNTAGGED contacts in XING @danielahinrichs @larshinrichs #
  • whole lotta gadget blogging goin' on: #
  • just dicovered there IS a way to list contacts w/o tags in Xing ;) #
  • hm? what is this: #huckabee ??? #
  • fiddling with setting up a literature channel #
  • @5ch1lke yep buit is he not out of the race? and the twitterchannel looks extra weird #
  • @paulinepauline see it this way: professional photographs are expensive *g* #
  • @spreeblick friday syndrome? you as a cynic? oh nooo ;) #
  • @enypsilon hey happy 25th birthday or was it 22nd? *g* #
  • streiken macht reich #bvg #berlin #
  • @playrough it was probably the wrong link in the cache ;) I meant Martenstein on WatchBerlin #
  • rerun: #bvk #streik martenstein: streiken lohnt sich!_BVG-Streik_lohnt_sich! #
  • editing a chat w/ Geert Lovink #blogosphere #germany #sociopschology #
  • @kosmar if people are 'bug'guing you, are maybe bugs the better people? #
  • What are the biggest Online Forums in Germany? #
  • @playrough betroffen vom bvg-streik oder vom Inzest? (Ich kenn solche und solche...) #
  • w/ Geert Lovink: Soziologie und Psychologie der deutschen Blogosphäre (ein Chat) (english) #
  • this is the second day where I fail to record the planned video. textblogging is SO much easier... #
  • the hostory of the pc starts with The Apple ][, really? #
  • trying tubemogul again with a dauerwerbevideo #
  • dauerwerbevideo where klaus eck meets perry rhodan in an italian restaurant drinking aronia juice and playing cards 2.0 #
  • @fabelau ehm soll cih dich zum admin machen und du baust was? damals GAB es in der tat bei blogspot keine comments ;) #

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Michael Otto hat gesagt…
> "I would love a function that shows me
> UNTAGGED contacts in XING

What's the problem? Go to your address book and left of the tag cloud, click on "Untagged". It's been there for ages ...
oliverg hat gesagt…
I just found it on the day where I complained. The nature of twitter ;)