Barcamp Alsace 5

Finally arrived, as my pc wonn t go online I am writing on a azerty=keyboard where everything is in the wrong place; merci Sacha :)

yesterday we had a warming up on a ship on the rhine, giving us a taste of how great a "Barcamp Rhine" would be. (Travelling from Basel to Rotterdam on a ship haveing sessions both on the ship and on the shore...)

After talking to some people i decided to do both my GTD=presentation and a presentation on Business Blogging in Germany = which seems rather unknown here where even business people rather have personal blogs.

we set up a guiding system and the coffe is slowly running through. it is 9:02 and the first campers are arriving in the Technopol=building in mulhouse;
the wind is going stong and on the way from room one to room 3 you run the danger of being blown away. i had to think of the quote from asterix und die normqnnen: "heute frischt es etwas mehr auf".

Now: Madeleines et pain au chocolat pur petit dejeuner == excellent :)

Well as soon as i have access to this mac again i'll update you :)
WLAN works for PCs now, too.

I was 'hazrdeux' and did a session on GTD / self management for FRENCH people, but t was received well ;) They have tasks lists that are longer than their days, too. but there seems no translation of GTD in French.

Parallels were drawn between GTD and extreme programming. I will have to have a look at that.

As to 'tools' you need to selfmanage I pointed to Marissa Mayer Vice President of Search Product and User Experience of Google who usess pine for mail and a text file as a task list.


We now have a session about 'kluster', a platform o creating ideas and products by Ben Kaufman, where you also can make money if you work on a project.

I discovered this some days ago when I was looking for 'prediction markets' online. (this is different and I prefer it but still have some idea of my own differing from kluster...)

The idea of kluster is to find ideas for big companies and sell it to them to the profit of all.

In KLUSTER projects are broken down into phases that have 'solutions (sparks), sparks can ave 'amps' (ways a spark is made better).

You are rewarded by 'watts'. A virtual currency.

If the project is successful and is sold the watts are converted into 'real dollars'.

So: creativity is rewarded.


We are just listening to the summary of the 2 hour "world cafe" we did on the future of barcamp alsace - which is suffering from a severe lack of visitors, today (only 20+ of 50+ signed up people came).
Some ideas: there were 5 barcamps in 2,5 years, there was too little PR, the database of BC3 was lost, "blogging is not enough", we need a snowball system to distribute the news, "people of bc 2 and 3 wanted to come back by 90%", are small camps better or big camps?

(will be updated.)

Facebook Kommentare


SachaL hat gesagt…
Hi Oliver, War schön, das Du und Frank mal rübergekommen seid. Die Links zu weiteren Zusammenfassungen sind auf dem wiki angegeben :
oliverg hat gesagt…
Na, weisst du, wenn das Choucroute lockt... es hat sogar noch bis zum Abendessen angehalten. ;) (Müde bin ich immer noch, bei so viel Französisch lief mein Hirn auch Hochtouren ;) )