Yesterday's Twits

  • Kampf dem Kommentar-Spam: (German) #
  • *laugh* Nigeria-Spam via -- Spam 3.0? #
  • @heiko I guess you need a plane ;) #
  • Cool in my updates this is dispalyed as "A (heartsymbol) B" #
  • @olivert I can see you bit can't login/register. #
  • @pickihh darmstadt? Say "Hi" to O. (He did not get back to me ;) ) #
  • @titaniacatharga I just wished I knew what I was talking about when I made THAT movement ;) #
  • @hdsjulian re: I meant -- It's kinda hard 2 find stuff #
  • well oovoo crashes when I try to import my gmail contacts (4000+) #
  • @cordobo makes no sense I just calculate 25% noshows #
  • @podpimp lara is my hero (blick 146) #
  • #barcamp #help was kosten 200 Namensschilder + Lanyards, ggf. gebrandet mit dem sponsor oder mit 'barcampbodensee' oder so? #
  • @mrtopf ha ;) #
  • @cordobo #barcamp #noshows # deposit it's mainly a handling prob incl. the security risk to have so much cash in 1 place #
  • kewl the biggest single amount for @barcampbodensee just came in. pure bliss. #switzerland I love you ;) #
  • @multanifx was ist genau unfair? dass auf den lanyards die sponsorennamen draufstehen? wie lösen? #
  • @jay16k no comprende pls (barcamphaj) mail me what you wanted to say ;) #
  • @multanifx well I know I can cater to x so I let x+25% register. if all come: bad luck ;) #
  • @multanifx if somebody comlains for lacking shirts or nametags I give them their "money" back if they give fun, contacts and knowledge back #
  • @jay16k I still do not know what you want to TELL me :=) #
  • @multanifx Sunday is usually reduced by 50% from Saturday. I did not count at @barcampmd @larszapf what was noshow on sat? #
  • is this better than a treo680? #hosgot #
  • @tomraftery I got a code via mobile but how do I register? #qik #
  • @markus_breuer iPhone? when I am 50+ ;) #
  • @gigold those rates rae normal. 25% in the first day, alsmost as many get 'lost' on the second (note to myself calculate that effect for bcb #

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