- It seems time to update some hardware. what do you think of this one: tinyurl.com/ywnzhz #
- @hdsjulian buy new one ;) @thomas_j any URL sugegstions what to get? #
- Only 7 spots left for enterprise 2.0 seminar at mfg.de / stuttgart: tinyurl.com/2ydtg6 #
- deleting 26000 queued spamposts from a mailman-mailinglist, wondering how long this will take ;) #
- @poster how do I _create_ a twitterposter/group? #
- @we5 I use different browsers and for mail there is a firefox-plugin to switch accounts ;) #
- @frogpond hm? did I get something wrong? #
- @frogpond "7 left" is more urgent than '3/4 are booked' right? ;) 1/4 could be 100 free spots ;) #
- @frogpond maybe we should ask a second session on the day after 18th ;) #
- @nerotunes can we have that on video? and one where you comment your keynote predictions? ;) #
- @isabo_ yep, it is. (and you are right abt. the book covers (include: dtv) #
- @nerotunes twitter wunschkonzert, I love it ;) #
- @percanta Cognac im Tiramisu? Amaretto! Ts. Radler macht man auch nicht mit Coke ;) #
- eeeh woobby.com ... you way of getting me to invite people is stone-age. ;( #
- @markus_breuer that beer that is good for your health is called 'red wine' ;) #
- If I read about everyone drinking I get hungry. Shame on U. #
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