- In a mailinglist someone calls dauerwerbeblog.de an art project. This is not a bad perspective. #
- I saw stuff like this protagonize.com/ in Bulletin Boards accessible by modems in the 80ies ;) #literatur #
- @gigold maybe we could save money if we run schools 24/7. grade 9-11 will then be on the graveyard shift, nightactive anyways #bildung #
- @wilw is it on Youtube? I'd guess the station 'Boomerang' hard to receive in Germany ;) #tv #cartoons #
- @cemb Dauerwerbetwitter? (mea, mea maxima...) *g* #
- @mrsbunz @missrogue R, I believe, both using the term 'social capitalism. do you both know of migros.ch? -> "Das soziale Kapital" via ... #
- @mrsbunz @missrogue R, I believe, both using the term 'social capitalism. do you both know of migros.ch? -> "Das soziale Kapital" via ... #
- @matsches does twitter only allow 70 updates per hour? interesting. #
- @cemb if art is everything, then everything is art (we are currebtly reviving the 'Mailinglise Netzliteratur' (need to update the page ;) ) #
- qpfefferle ah, thanks. I build webpages with editors (phase 5) and use twitter either with m.twitter.com or the webpage ;) (and ff-plugins) #
- @amertens it's called 'Bahn AG'. No more public serveants. They serve the shareholder value now ;) #
- got a cease and desist letter. no money involved, yet. #
- @frogpond well the term I am using has 20.000+ occuences in the web the way I use it. they call themselve 'Kühlschrank' (example),their prob #
- @frogpond well I scanned it and sent it to my legal department *g* #
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