- argh, mail to my og@... adress isdysfunctional again, use oliver.gassner aatt gmail.com #
- @katti ah there is another way t read blogs except via RSS? (I just surf to blogs to comment...) #
- mail still seems stuck, rovider does niot even have an answering machine active ;( #
- pls use the oliver.gassner attt gmail if you wanna reach me. #
- ah cool, and AFTER the ad youtube says that the video is no longer avaqilable, and where is my postroll ad, now? #
- @saschalobo unproblematisch: 'dass wir die übel die wir ben' (kaffeemangel) lieber ertragen als zu unbekannten (Kaffee kalt, schlecht, v ... #
- @sichelputzer order pizza ;) #
- @saschalobo what? no prosecco for breakfast? no wine for lunch? or was this lunch? ;) #
- @paulinepauline any you can see txp in action at cyberabad.de best of it: zero comment spam. zero. null. 0 zero. #
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