- wow twitter4skype woke up #
- installing firefox 3 portable on the new usb stick i got yesterday. sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/ #
- @fwhamm thanks ;) #
- @leralle now we can found a blogger union ;) #
- @leralle or "prophetic internet sceptics INC." #
- @timpritlove URL? (FSJ?) #
- @morgenland und totgestreichelt? #
- now _is_ this a useful way to log bookmarks to my blog: tinyurl.com/yrg3rj (part german, part english) #
- Plan: paar Minuten noch Online-Pferdespiel mit Kids, Mittagsruhe, Kaffee, Baum aufstellen, Packen. Morgen nur noch relaxen und Krippensp ... #
- @flueke lex barker reminds me that I wanted to read winnetou 1-3 to the son before summer ;) need to find the darn book. (1 volume ;) ) #
- seeming versus being: tinyurl.com/28xtf7 (and imagine how much seeming is in the being already...) #
- @fsx oder stigmi? oder doch stigmäen? scnr (hallo google ;) ) #
- Tree has been decorated. (not by me I just removed the ice ;) ) Now the kids need a bath. #
- I just wonder how 'I am tired this afternoon.' became a standard line in porn related spam. #
- @saschalobo 4,99€ is only 'expensive wine' in Berlin ;-) #digitaleboheme #
- @saschalobo hm, funktionierende ironie setzt ähnliche bezugsrahmen voraus ;) ich kauf so selten in berliner tanken ein ;) #
- @fsx grünmonitornostalgie, cf. blog'logo'. #
- @fsx I put it on the wishlist, which is long. And: I did not have the "problem". ;) #
- @podpimp ehm you don't HAVE to watch TV at all ;) There IS youtube ;) (and porntube ;) ) #
- @ute faster is not always better ;) #
- tomorrow: webmontag @ myinicity *g*: webmontag.myminicity.com/ #
- @ute @rainer "Austrian is teaching German to German" - crazy times. #
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