Yesterday's Twits

  • planning my trip to munich for DLD08 #
  • dance, combots, dance see also: #
  • setting lotsa noti9ficationsetting to on, wish there was a button to do that for all #
  • another excellent xmas 'card': 512MB USB stick from o'reilly germany multiplies my stickpower by roughly 10 ;) (not counting mp3player w ... #
  • creating hyperefficient filters for catching false positives in gmail spam #
  • ok, notification should be on now for almost all of 500+ ppl I follow in twitter. Most of then don't twit a lot. ;) #
  • starting to auto-blog delicious-bookmarks again. (and planning to comment them more ;) ) #
  • megalopolis is happy about a current population of 30: #
  • Still thinking,: Is it possible to deliver real value by dropping your deliciouslinks to your blog? (I think yes, look @ @frogpond ) #
  • @fsx Hm; I fail to understand you ;) #
  • @fsx but maybe have a look at my links tomorrow and tell me ;) #
  • ulinepauline 99,9% of all ecards I got lately were things pointing to trojans. maybe ... you'll skip that? ,) #
  • @misscaro forgot to buy a present? #

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